Monday 1 October 2012

[B] Tuỳ chỉnh "read more" trong Blogger

Hi dear friend,
I promised you in a previous tutorial, here ” Blogger Now officially Supports “Read more” links. ” that i’ll add a tutorial about customizing your read more links in blogspot.
So you have to check out the previous tutorial if you are not familiar with the new blogger jump breaks addition.
Now is the time for this tutorial,
after reading this tutorial you’ll be able to Customize you read more links in those ways:
  • Change the text ” read more ” to another words.
  • Add An Image / Button To Your “Read More / Jump Breaks ” In Blogger Links Instead Of Plain Text
  • choose your read more link / button to be displayed on left side, right side or center it.
so lets start,

First Step, You Must Do This Step
this code should be included in your blogger template,

i’ll tell you where to add it, but before you add it, make sure that it’s not already included in your template.
Go to you blogger dashboard >> Layout >> Edit HTML and Check on Expand Widget Templatesuse your internet browser to search for the code,
if you found the code in your template, ok you have to skip this step
but before you skip it,
make sure that the third line in the code looks like this

And not

if you found it like the second one, please replace it with the first one
if it’s not in your template you’ll have to add it, and i’ll tell you where you should add it.
Go to you blogger dashboard >> Layout >> Edit HTML and Check on Expand Widget Templates use your internet browser to search for this code,

and just after it, add the next code,

Now we finished adding the require code for customizing this trick.
Lets start customizing
1.Change the text ” read more ” to another words.
this is the easiest on ever,
after applying the first step to your template, you should have this code added to your template :

This code will display your read more link in this format : Read More
and to change it to another word, simply, change the word Read More in the code in your template to what ever you want, Example? Keep reading, continue reading, read the rest, and more.
After changing it, click Save template and check out your blog.
2.Add An Image / Button Instead Of Plain Text
Ok, now again, after applying the first step to your template,
you must have this code added to your template

This code will display your read more link in this format : Read More
and to change the text to image / button , we should replace the word Read More in the code with the following
Paste here the button Image URL
so you should have some thing like this
After changing it, click Save template and check out your blog.
And here is some good samples for read more buttons :
Read More

Read More

Read More

Read More

Read More

Read More 
And you can find more buttons by searching in google for “read more button”.
3. Control the read more link or button alignment, left, right Or center.
lets back again for the first step, after applying the first step to your template,
you must have this code added to your template after applying first step.

this code will display read more link in default format, and your template may display it at left or right, but if you want to control where it’ll be displayed, you should add small tag for the code, and the new added tag in blue color.

and you can replace the xxxx with Leftright, or center.
any in this way you can control the position for your link or button.
and here is some examples to help you
Example 1

This will display read more in pain text aligned to left
Example 2

This will display read more in image button aligned to right
i wish this can help you, you comments are welcome, and please share it if you found it useful

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